Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cookies and Sun

Woke up slightly early and went with Alex to have a look round Oxford. We wandered around the covered market for a while and bought moo moos and Ben's cookies :) We ate this in Christ Chruch meadows as we lazed around in the sun and took photos. It was a really hot but sunny day so there were loads of tourists but it didn't really matter! In the after noon we went to the Uni parks and did some more lazing around and watched people play football. Also found this tiny fledgling which had fallen from its nest and watched as its parents searched for it. Obviosly we couldn't pick it up as then it could be rejected by its parents. However, I kept a close watch to make sure no-one stepped on it!
We then had formal hall at Hertford (swordfish as the main which was delicious) and I walked Alex to the station.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The day Alex came to stay (also possible the most surreal day in my life!)

Finally the long awaited day of Alex's visit arrived. I met him at the train station and we both walkedd abck to my room. It was a boiling sunny day - perfect for the Summer Eights which were finishing today. Amelia was leaving to go home for a while and lent Alex her room. We dropped off his stuff (and I introduced him to everyone) before heading down to the river to watch the race. It was crowded with people but we soon found a spot after the gut where we could watch Alice row in the Women's boat. Sarah was umpiring as well as Oli Brady so we also got to say hi to them on the way. At first we thought that the race had started when we saw Alice's boat pelt towards us. So we started cheering but then realised that it was a warm-up ...arg! However, when the race did start, they got bumped right infront of us (as Alice had predicted). Emily brought some strawberries and we all had Pimms from the Hertford Boathouse (and, in true Hertford fashion, there was more alcohol that lemonade!). So, it was me, Aex, Marja, Emily, Tom Davies, Chris Anderton and a few other Hertford people. Back at the boathouse we had a great view of the river and got more Pimm's. At this point dad texted me to say that he was comign down for the evening as St. Peter's had a new boat which was going to be Christened. Then, Marianne texted as she was ALSO going to be in Oxford for the evening to watch David's choir sing at New College. arg! So, in 5 minutes, the meal for two Alex and I had planned had turned into a meal for four. Dad arrived a few minutes later and we all had more Pimm's (at this point I was feeling slightly floaty with all the drink..Pimm's is very desceptive!). Alex and I then rushed to meet Marianne at Christ Church and ran with her to New College as the concert was starting in 5 mins. However, once there, were told that we were early. So, we wandered around and also happened to bump into James Scargill!
I then walked with Alex to the Union where we ahd a wuick look round before heading to St. Peter's to meet dad for the boat christening. Here they gave us champagne and we pretended to understand what the speeches were about (and laughed at all the "in" jokes). Dad wanted to stay for a while so Alex and I went to find Marianne and David. Once back in my room the four of us tried to find a place where we could eat...
We met dad outside Hertford and ended up in Wagamama's (Alex, Marianne, David, Dad and me). It was INCREDIBLY surreal. David and Alex had never met although David now works at Barn Bacon. In addition I had a mix of family, friends from in school, out of school and work in Oxford where I live and work - arg! However, the meal was really nice and fun :)
After seeing Dad, Marianne and David off back home Alex and I headed back to Hertford for some well-earnt champagne and chocolate (Cadbury's to be precise) ^_^

Friday, May 29, 2009

Leaving Orielton..

Woke up early to get the coach back to Oxford. Everyone was very tired and couldn't wait to get back home. I sat with Liz and we chatted for most of the journey. By the time we go back to Oxford it was BOILING and everyone went back to college to change into more summery clothes.
I went for a cycle with Alice down the tow path up to the canal. As the light began to fade we watched a group of students in a little, blue, old-fashioned rowing boat head off into the sun set.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The final day...

Had a half day of work where we did a bit of bird spotting. This wasn't very fun apart from when we got to go into groups and do it ourselves. This meant I was with Mel, Hazel and Liz again singing and writing down semi made-up figures for a couple of hours. We then had lunch and took pictures with Oli, Oli, Chris and Jonny.

In the late evening everyone did presentations about what they'd learned on the course as well as entertaining jokey ones (Liz, Hazel and Sylvia did a pretty good job of this!). We then all went to the pub as a huge group, bought shots for the tutors and drank outside as a huge group for the last time.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nature Reserve and the best beach in Britain

Spent the rainy day at the field centre with Nick Brown learning about forestry and different tree species. I loved this as I really enjoy systematics and placing things in order. He took us round the grounds of the field centre where I was able to be very nerdy and give a mini talk to the class about Japanese Know weed. We later split off into groups and did a mini project in the woods, measuring the diversity of native tree species within a given area. Mel and I had a great time laughing, joking and teasing Liz who was semi-seriously doing the work with Hazel.

After dinner a small group of us were taken to a nature reserve and the best beach in Britain by Stephen Harris and other tutors. Here we walked from some scentic areas before reaching a lovely clean beach where people began to take their wellies off and walk in the surf. I then got his picture of everyone jumping although it took several attempts! We then buried one of the guys in the sand. By far one of the best days of the trip!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Supposidly the best day of the trip, today we went to the beach rockpooling It was another hot day but VERY windy so we didn't get very far before almost being pushed by the wind into the sea! Martin Spate (invertebrate tutor and all-round sea-quirt lover) came along too and showed us the large diversity of sea slugs, star fish, sea suquirts, algae, crabs, crustacea and other organisms which could be found simply by overturning rocks. We later retreated to the beach cafe for hot chips, ice-cream and lunch. On returning to Orielton Jeremy and I went exploring in the woods and took a long walk to the pub. I got some great pictures on the way of the golden sun setting on fields of hay.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Team Nettles

Sylvia, Olli and I were put into a team today as part of the cology practical to see the effects of two vegetation on insects. We obviously decided that the nettle field was the best place to go for this and donned on rubber gloves to collect the leaves, It was another glorious day so we'd picked as pretty good project as it was outdoors. We messed about for most of the day and got this "stunning" picture of Team Nettle using the slef-timer.
I went back to the cliffs in the late evening with Liz and Mel. We sat on the edge and dangled our wellies over the edge near the cliff-face. Today there was a thick sea-mist which made it difficult to see out towards the horizon.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The importance of Insects day - Liz's Weevle Beetle

Hasd a day trapping insects in the Orielton field of nettles - fun! It was boiling and we spent most of the day using pooters and sweep nets to catch wierd bugs. Liz found a weevle beetle and which she let scuttle across her hands. On our way to catch water boatmen from the pond we found a small grass snake. Zea and Chris caught it and we all had a go holding it before letting it slide back into the thick grass.
In the late evening there was another trip to the cliffs for bird watching. I wasn't very interested in the birds but more the stunning scenery and sheer drop of the cliffs! I got this picture as we all sat on the cliffs during watching the sunset.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sand dune day

Woke up at 7:30, went to make lunch in the basement and had breakfast. Today was the sand dune day so we went along to the beach and studied the sand dunes. In order to try and win the beachcomber prize I spotted a traffic cone washed up on the shore which Chris carried around for the rest of the day back to the field centre. We climbed along the dunes and had studdied the dune slack. Here, Johnny made a daisy and buttercup chain necklace for himself while Oli counted the species in the area. After lunch I started getting an awful stomach ache and had to be driven back to the centre. Here I slept for 4 hours until supper. While everyone else went to see the brids on the cliffs I went to do the write-up in the lab.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Off to Orielton

Woke up early to go to lectures. However, this was not a normal day! Jonny, Sinead and I had to drag out suitcases along with us so we could drop them off before lectures. On the way, we found the Brasenose guys and walked with them as well (they gave me a hand with my infinite number of bags)...the guys had larger bags than Sinead and I but we had more. After the lecture we went to get some lunch and this gave me time to give Emily her birthday present as everyone was going to celebrate ehr birthday on the weekend. As I couldn't find her I left the presents and card outside her room hoping that no-one would steal them. I also left my palnts in Marja's room so she could look after them while I was away.
On the coach I sat next to Liz and it felt like being back in primary school! We all tried to hold out breath as we went over the Severn Bridge (and managed it!). As soon as we'd crossed it into Wales it staretd raining and there were sheep EVERYWHERE! Typical.
It was still raining as we arrived at the field centre and we all rushed to get into groups for rooms. I was in a large group of girls with Jess (New College), Harriette (LMH), Emma, Anna and Becky. It was the typical bunk bed accomodation but the view wasn't too bad. I honestly thought that this type of trip wouldn't happen after leavign Twyford. However, I'd decided that it would only be as good as I made it.

After an interesting carb-filled dinner everyone walked up to the closest pub for a good pint. It was so tiny and I think we shocked the usual customers. It was composed of two rooms which I think used to be someone's front room and kitchen. However, having a ton of first years pack it out created a brilliant atmosphere (although I'm not sure the regulars would agree!).

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The flowers Ben gave me

I love how ultra-violet the irises are...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Om nom nom

Ate Cadbury's chocolate in Amelia's room with Alice, Marja and Amelia.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finishing The Origin

Finished reading Origin of the Species.
Ok, so the book was slightly boring at parts and Darwin does repeat himself but the last paragraph was beautiful. " ..whilst the planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved".

Monday, May 18, 2009

Field day ^_^

I put the flowers that Ben gave me into a vase and they looked so pretty! In the evening Alice and I went for a cycle to the Hertford sports ground to help clear our heads after a long day of work. We wandered around and found a field with cows where we took loads of pics. We then went back to Hertford through the Uni Parks across this really steep bridge that is impossible to cycle over...seriously.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Outing

I was so excited today as I was going to cox for the first time. I rode with Joe and Suraj to the Hertford Boathouse where I met James (another cox) who was going to help me that day. Earlier that day Alice had given me a brief lesson on all the key terms I needed to use and know but it was still slightly difficult remembering them all!
We got into the boat and the rowers started rowing. James and the coach rode alongside on the bank and helped me instruct the rowers. However, it was really windy so I couldn't hear what they were saying so we almost crashed into Trinity who were comign straight towards us. It was also really difficult to direct the boat in the right direction even while we spun. After two laps of the river we went back to the safety of the boathouse. Ok, so it wasn't perfect but atleast I didn't crash! I really enjoyed it and am thinking about taking up rowing next term and continuuing coxing.
In the evening Amelia had cheese and wine with the other English students. She made some really nice savoury cheese cakes which we all ate. I wish that I had taken a picture of the river but I thought it'd be a bit strange and risky to bring my camera to the boathouse....

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Out of Oxford for the day..Minster Lovell

Mum and dad came to visit and we had lunch in the Turf Tavern (the best pub in the world!). Afterwards we drove out of Oxford to an English Hertitage house in Minster Lovell which was more of a ruin. We had a look around the Church first of all and then found the ruin behind next to the river. It was so beautiful with broken walls and staircases which had long fallen appart. In some areas only the tops of the turets had survived so you could see the remains of the stairs trailing off into the towers. It must have been huge and really magnificent with a chapel, stables, grand dining hall and many different rooms. We were all very taken and wondered what it must have looked like before. Walking around reminded me of the castle from Sleeping Beauty and I hummed the song "I know you" without realising as I took pictures. Mum and I also found a tree extending out into the river. I clambered along it and tried to take pictures but then got scared as it started to sway with the wind -I though I was going to fall in!
Later, we saw a plaque outside the Chrurch with the inscription, "".

Friday, May 15, 2009

Life Drawing at St. Peter's

Sharon invited Amelia and me to a life drawing class at St. Peter's (dad's old college)which was part of their arts week. I didn't think it would be too akward and it really wasn't. We spent some time doing quick sketches with pencil and then some longer ones with charcoal. Ok, so i'm not the best artist in the world but I was definitly pleased with the outcome of this picture. After the Life drawing class we watched Sleeping Beauty in Amelia's room. The same day I received a letter from Alex who I had invited to stay in Oxford with me after the Orielton field course.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The day we sold the racisng bike..

After a slightly hectic day of bargaining we managed to sell the racing bike for our original price. We made a profit! Was slightly sad to see the hot ex-Hertford rower cycle off with it into the sunset..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Photo Exhibition

Earlier this term I'd entered a competition with some pictures I'd taken from Mexico to the OPS (Oxford Photographic Soc.). After going for a meal with Joe at Giraffe we went along to the Union to see the Exhibition. I was SO proud as 3 of my images had been displayed!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Guest Dinner at St. Hugh's

Went to guest dinner at St. Hugh with Emily, Manasi, Sarah and Alice where we met Alice's biologist friend Sylvia. I'd had my second interview there and it hadn't gone too well and I'm glad I went to Hertford. However, I was slightly jealous that St. Hugh's has loads if lovely gardens and space(even though its really out of Oxford!). We walked around there after the meal and had great fun in telling Sylvia and Emily's dead dog story (possibly the funniest thign I've heard all term!).

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Racing Bike

This was our prizes posetion which had been sitting in NB quad for over a week without a padlock. We decided to take our chances and sell it for as much as we could. How could anyone resist such a beautiful bike?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our First Bike Sold

Alice and I used this picture to sell one of the bikes. By the following day we'd sold it for £50 to one of her friends. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

It feels like summer

Photo of my bike taken when Tom and I cycled to the sports field, sat and talked for ages enjoying the evening sunshine.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Badger watching at Wytham Woods

Today Ben and I set off after my strange tutorial with HBC towards Wytham Woods to join some other people for badger watching. We bought some tomato and mozzarella baugettes and cycled through Port Meadow towards the Abbey ruins. However, by the time we'd reached the ruins it was already quite late so we decided not to go and instead ate the sandwiches there. While ben sat on the broken Abbey wall I went around taking pictures of the meadows filled with buttercups and cow parsley. Across the road was a field with cows and tall cow parsley plants. I managed to get some shots of the plants sihouetted against the setting sun. However, the best shots were from when I placed the camera on the ground and just took randow images of the flowers above it. It was great as I never knew what the next shot would look like.
We cycled back along Port meadow and found some people who were setting up a bonfire for later in the evening (similar to the one in Hilary Term).
We then went back to Leckford and cooked some food along with Liam, Simon (my college dad), maths Michael and Ben's other friends.
Once back at Hertford I found Amelia and Alice outside smoking on a bench. Marja had also come back from her date with Daniel and was very drunk. Apparently they'd had a few after dinner cocktails...
We walked with her around the Rad. Cam. to try and calm her down (she was lightly hyper) and watched as she did an interpretive dance of the evening (wich included many 70s moves and thrusting in our general directions..). Once outside the big wooden gate at Hertford we found Christina who had been dropped off by a taxi. She'd hurt her foot whilst out at Risa and was in loads of pain. So, we went to the lodge to get another taxi to take her to the hospital and sat with her on the pavement while we waited for it to arrive. At this point Marja was still really drunk and started heckling random passers by. To a couple she shouted "Lovers! Lovers! No luck tonight, sorry I don't want a threesom!" and then "bald man! why are you bald?!" to a passing baldie. Once the taxi Amelia and Alice went with Christina to the hospital while I made sure Marja got back to her room safe.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

today was that day

Went to lectures about populations (am now slightly put off conservation >_<) and came back with Jeremy who helped me find a book in the RSL. Gave him a quick tour of Hertford and introduced him to Marja, Amelia and Alice before showing him my room (he was a bit puzzled by the BMX). After he'd returned to Wadham I quickly had lunch and rushed back to finish some tute work which needed to be handed in by 4. Joe rang to see if I was still able to go for the meal.
Sped through the work and went tohelp Johnny and Sinnead with theirs. I went in the evening for a meal at Branca with Joe which was really fun. We shared a pizza and rissotto which was VERY filling. Afterwards, we walked back holding hands towards Hertford. On the way we saw Ben who'd just come back from a May ball with his friend from home. Once back at Hertford we decided to cycle somewhere out of college so I changed into jeans and we went to the Hertford sports field. When we got there the gate had been locked (probably because last term we'd all played there and ran around screaming at about 11pm). So we cycled back and went up on the roof from Tom D's room. I was so scared about getting caught |(I don't understand why..I'd been up there before!). We lay on the roof and watched the clouds go past the bright moon and stars. The moonlight was so bright that you could see all the Oxford spires in the distance in a silvery light. It was beautiful. We then took this picture a few minutes before midnight in NB quad. Joe really didn't want me to miss another picture.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Just wanted to catch the sense of crisp clean air and fresh spring light coming in through my window onto the growing cress, basil and chive seedlings.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My first time punting...

Today I went punting with Ben along the river. It was very short but the weather was pleasant and we ate KitKats after tying the punt to a tree. He brought an old film camera which he'd managed to get to work and showed me how to use it. It didn't bring my Nikon in case we fell in or something (punts are very unstable) but it was fascinating to see how cameras have changed with the advancement of technology.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The day I..

...learnt how to play "Failure" by Laura Marling and "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bluebell Woods

Finally went to Wytham woods with Ben. In the morning I went with Sam to a carpark in Oxford where I picked up a bike I had bought on a website in Oxford. I FINALLY had a bike! Its a Raleigh Vogue which was second hand from a Polish couple (I was a bit paranoid that it was stolen to asked them to sign a paper proving that I'd bought it). In the afternoon I was then able to cycle with Ben up the canal to Wytham Woods where we took pictures and lay in the bluebells listening to the sounds in the wood. It was so relaxing and a beautiful break from the Oxford bubble.
We then cycled back to Leckford (where Ben lives) and ate some supper followed by singing loads of old songs like "House of the Rising Sun"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Raise the Red Lantern

Went with Alice and Manasi to watch a Chinese film, "Raise the Red Lantern" at the Magdalen Film Society. People say Oxford isn't posh (well, Most of it isn't) but Magdalen College has its own cinema! Although slightly long, the film was really good and especially interesting as Manasi has seen it before and explained all the hidden meanings and its anti-communist theme.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

The day I got married. After Marja's celebration (later joined by Felicity) we all went to sleep to wake up a few hours later (4am!) ready for May Day in Oxford. It was still dark as we all made our way down to Magdalen bridge (Tom Smith, Tom Davies, Sarah, Manasi, Alice, Helena, Talia, Sam, Emily, Matt, Claire, Nabeelah...). Once there we waited with the crowds which were slowly growing below the tower to hear the choir sing. It was packed with people as the sun began to rise and the choir sand. Then Tom Davies and I got married by Matt while the choir sang. Our rings were made from some plastic Ivy Tom had taken from Exeter Ball. We then followed the huge crowd towards the centre of Oxford. On the way to College people stopped for food and crowds gathered around Morris Dancers in Radcliff Square. Sadly Brown's cafe was closed so people went to Weatherspoon's. However, Tom D and I met up with Emily on Hertford Bridge to get the best view of the dancing as a crowd had gathered underneath us to watch the dancers. In the crowd a little girl copied the dancers by waving a handkerchief in the air. There was also a person dressed as a life size tree with actual Sycamore leaves walking around...We then had breakfast in the early morning sun in OB quad. I then went to my 9am lectures absolutely shattered.