Just about finished the first draft of this week's essay. It’s just a bit past midnight but I'm sure this counts as my photo for today/ yesterday! I found two of my favourite pieces of music on youtube as well as a video by Carla Bruni for L'Amoureuse. They've kept me going for the past 4 hours I've been working consecutively....
Gnossiennes No. 1 - Erik Satie
Comptine d'un autre été - Yann Tiersen
Theres something about these two pieces that gives you a soft uplifting feeling, almost like a secret smile. I want the Gnossienne to be louder, bolder, faster but its that feeling of straining to catch every perfect note that makes me love it. The way in which your heart elevates as the notes reach a creshendo and slowly tumble back down.
Then theres the Comptine d'un autre été which is so simple and cute. It reminds me of a spring shower - when the rain is really heavy but warm. The notes fall like fat drops into a puddle and then gradually fade away. The piece stops and I'm left slightly sad that the moment was so beautiful and brief.
Its been raining most of the day (I love that sound as it whips against my window but I'm all dry and warm, curled up in my duvet) but stopped a few hours ago. I want to watch a film - The Painted Veil perhaps?