We loved Holy Island so much that we had to return. The schofields were tired to stayed at the house buy mum, dad, Chesca and I drove back earlier so we could make the first crossing and stay the whole day. While mum and dad went to have a proper look round the castle Chesca and I sat on the little cove nearby and sketched. She is far better than me but was so relaxing that I didn't care! We took off our shoes, dug our toes in the warm sand and just drew shells and the huge daisies growing in the grass nearby. We were there for hours and got really hungry so were very releived once mum and dad turned up and we got lunch in a little tea room nearby. However, the tide was now high so we were stuck on the island...
It seems that everything closes after 2 and we couldn't cross until 7. So, we went into the Church and just wandered around for ages in the (almost) ghost village. Mum, Checa and I then went to the pub for a while and I had another go at driving.