Today we arrived at Yetholm. We had to drive for AGES to get here but it was definatly worth it! We had lunch in the dismal place that is Carlisle and quickly looked around the shops. However, we were very happy to leave once we had eaten a quick M&S lunch in the car park *sigh*. On the drive up here I managed to finish Harry Potter 2 (only 5 more to go!) and spent the rest of the time looking out of thw window at the scenery.
Yetholm is beautiful. The house looks like it is out of a Jane Austin novel with a large bright dinning room and colourful bedrooms and kitchen. The garden has a badmington set which I'm sure Chesca and I will use later on in the week. After unpacking we had a drink in the local pub which was very friendly although slightly scary as you feel VERY southern and VERY out of place!