SOOOOOO sticky! I just want a constant shower...The worst thing is that its really hot and not sunny at all *sigh*. I finished doing the DVDs today and sat in the (what was then) sunshine. Then went to the JCR and met Oli and Nick to watch Desperate Housewives. Have spent most of the time on facebook uploading picture both outside with Will and in the library (my room is too humid as its at the top of the building). Someone has also moved in next door so I can no longer play my music really loud and leave my door wide open while I dance about *sigh*. In the evening Chandni came back from London and I taught her how to do somersaults in OB quad. We then went to G&D's to meet the Twyford people who'd come with Dr Evans for the Open Day. Saw Lee and spoke for ages about random Oxford things with Dr E. Was great to see them rock up in the old Twyford minivan. Sadly only half of them were staying in Hertford over night - Lee got to stay at Christ Church. Also met a randomer from Spain today too who is working in Hertford over the summer. We spoke Spanish and it made me happy :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sticky, Humid, Lazy Day
SOOOOOO sticky! I just want a constant shower...The worst thing is that its really hot and not sunny at all *sigh*. I finished doing the DVDs today and sat in the (what was then) sunshine. Then went to the JCR and met Oli and Nick to watch Desperate Housewives. Have spent most of the time on facebook uploading picture both outside with Will and in the library (my room is too humid as its at the top of the building). Someone has also moved in next door so I can no longer play my music really loud and leave my door wide open while I dance about *sigh*. In the evening Chandni came back from London and I taught her how to do somersaults in OB quad. We then went to G&D's to meet the Twyford people who'd come with Dr Evans for the Open Day. Saw Lee and spoke for ages about random Oxford things with Dr E. Was great to see them rock up in the old Twyford minivan. Sadly only half of them were staying in Hertford over night - Lee got to stay at Christ Church. Also met a randomer from Spain today too who is working in Hertford over the summer. We spoke Spanish and it made me happy :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Open Day people go punting
Started the day off with the joys of packing DVDs into wallets outside in the sun in OB quad. It was starting to get really hot so moved into the shade once Nick arrived to give me a hand. We chatted for ages and he told me about a secret party event thingy called Pears Gav. Apparently you can only go if you get invited and the location is always secret (it’s also always just a huge rich-kid party filled with nakedness and drugs – joy!).
Later, there was a punting trip organised by Oli Coward along the Isis. We brought beer and walked up to the punt house in the heat. There were three punts booked so Chris Anderton, oli and another of the Open Day people punted while the rest of us relaxed. Christina and I sat in the sunshine drinking and it was soooo relaxing! We stopped outside the uni parks wile people went for a swim and the rest of us sat in the sunshine. As we punted further along we managed to hit a few trees and also get a whole family of ducks to follow as Alex was putting biscuit crumbs in the water for them. The punt next to us had some American guys inside who were punting close to the water’s edge. This way they would climb over any tree branches in the way and try to get back into the punt in time. However, they fell in a couple of times which we found hilarious! Further along I had a go at punting which was not as hard as it looks. The pole was REALLY heavy but steering the punt was WAY easier than coxing! Once past Magdalene bridge, Oli and Chris tried to race and we then put all three punts together to make a raft. As we passed the botanical gardens it started to POUR with rain. Christina, Alex and Que decided to go back but we kept on going as Chris and I were meeting Ben at Folley bridge. So, we kept on going in the rain and were drenched to the bone. Luckily it was that heavy type of summer rain which just leaves you soaking rather than slightly wet and sticky. Once at folley bridge we steered the punts into the grad centre and moored there. The other Anna and I climbed up onto the banks and we all started walking home.
In the evening I cycled down to Old Ab. Where Emma and Ben were cooking a good-bye meal for Ben who was leaving for Costa Rica the next day. The kitchen was boiling but once we were outside in the garden (and were drinking Emma’s home-made strawberry-lemonade drink) it was a lot more pleasant. I also met their friend Tope from South East London who REALLY reminded me of Seni (he even has the same accent). Suddenly I felt slightly home-sick : (
Cycled back in the dark back to the empty NB5 but slept really well (although my room was slightly hot and humid). I quite like having the building to myself as it means that I can have my door swung open and music playing as loud as I want. This photo was taken in OB quad of me and Chris A.- he constantly teases me but is so sweet!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Expedition
Woke up around 10ish with Marja knocking at my door to say goodbye. I was still in my pjs and looked kinda rough so it was slightly embarassing when I said bye to her dad. Joe moved out today as well. Now I'm the only person left in NB5 until Chandni comes- arg!
I played music at full volume in my room with the door was amazing! Then Jess came and dropped off loads of food. Talia and Sam rang and came over so we used the extra butter, eggs, flour, golden syrup etc in the cupboard to make pancakes. Manasi was also around so we used her petrol jam as a topping- yum :p
We then went around to all the empty open rooms in Hertford and took pics. I hadn't realised just how many rooms there were! Later, we helped Manasi pack and then made pasta in the NB 2 kitchen. This was then followed by cycling to Talia's to watch Amelie. In all, a very odd day. Its now quiet and starting to get dark..I don't think I like this whole "being the only person in NB 5" thing anymore! arg!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The day they all left
Woke up around 9ish with Alice and Amelia banging on my door wanting to know what had happened last night. Later went with Manasi and Amelia to Bicester village for a shopping trip - its sooo expensive and not as good as I remembered! I did however find this BEAUTIFUL Christian Dior dress reduced by 80% to £430 - eep! It was gorgeous and made from white chiffon - we all agreed that you could be married in it! Amelia then left, followed by Alice. I helped Manasi pack whilst watching 17 again on her laptop. Went to sleep early and slightly sad as everyone was slowly leaving *sigh* It didn't really help that Marja's stuff was accumulated outside as a reminder that shes going tomorrow!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Risa Time!
I don't remember much from this day... I woke up around 11ish and decided to check my e-mails. The college wanted me to help out with some Open Day stuff at 10am today so I rushed to get changed and then went to help putting DVDs into plastic wallets. I honestly don't know why they're wasting money on it as the DVDs are pretty awful...
Amelia came back for the day so we went shopping for cava and just general window shopping-ness. Then went to trash the historians outside the exam schools with glitter, confetti and water. We all proceeded to OB quad and then, sigh, my room where we drank LOTS of cava. my floor, bed EVERYTHING and EVERYONE was covered in glitter! This was then followed by stumbling to ASK (Alice and Amelia were pretty awful by then and tried to get there in a shopping trolley >_<). After the meal, I came back and had a shower. I then went DTB with Alice and we had lots to drink. Managed to get to Risa with Jess (sang spanish songs on the way!!). Also kissed Jonny's friend Tom who'd come up from Coventry to visit. He was really sweet and we walked back together (slightly drunk >_<). Sat outside and chatted for ages (not sure what about) until around 4am. As I said before, don't remember much.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
General buming about
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ok, so I've volunteered to help out on the Open Days at Hertford and this means that I get free accomodation until them. However I WAS planning on going home today until I was told that people might be returning on friday to have a Hertford post-exam celebration. So, I decided to stay in Oxford. I really wanted to go home but I would have to return a few days later anyway and I still ahd laods of stuff to do! Alice had an afternoon exam (GH3) which she was dreading. So, to get her mind of it, we climbed the Chruch tower on ship street. The Church is ANCIENT and has all these old relics from the medieval period. The view from the top is also pretty good; especially on a cloudless day like today. I hope that it helped Alice calm down although it did stop her from cramming which is possibly the worst thing you can do! As she was wearing her sub-fusk she got quite a few inquisitive looks and we also got stopped by a lady at a Cafe who wanted to know about the carnation etc.
In the evening Emily came round to my room to see if I wanted to go out to Park End. It was an AMAZING night and sooo fun! We found Marja there as well as loads of her dancing friends and people from Hertford. Emily and I stuck together and went from the dance room to cheese and R&B before ending the night off with some more cheese. By the end of the night it was me, Emily, Oli Coward and more of Marja's friends dancing to Saturday Night and La Macarena along with full hand gestures- soooo awful it was AMAZING
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
second and last exams.
Alice bought me a pink carnation for good luck but could't find a red one. So, I cycled with Jonny and Sinead to Ewert house in Summertown for our final exams. In the break between the two I ate lunch and quickly revised with Helen some population stuff. After the exams, went out with the other biologists to the Weatherspoons pub where we found some more from St. Peter's and Sommerville. Everyone was really tired after such a long week/month! Got back to my room at 12 and slept.
I got this photo of Amelia before her last exam - she looks so stunning!
Monday, June 22, 2009
First exam : white carnation
Sunday, June 21, 2009
pre-exam nerves (cured by listening to Mr Dialysis and camomile tea)
Its like little butterflies in my stomach. I don't have enough time to learn the whole course or do anything REALLY productive but theres enough time for me to sit in my room, stare at all the posters and notes I've made and scream inside.
Mum, dad and Chesca came for a quick visit to take me out for a meal (and get my mind off revision). I'd texted mum yesterday, slightly hysterical, and told her that I REALLY wanted to talk. We spoke for 2 hours and dad later rang to say that they were coming up for a while. We went to a pub in Wovercote and ate a sunday roast which was lovely and REALLY FILLING. I was then able to chat with Chesca for a while which made me feel so much better. Talking to her makes me feel so much more grounded...
I know what my problem is. I'm not used to average. I don't want to be average and have always strived to be better than that. However, for the first time in a LONG time, I'm in a place where being more than average is HARD. I'm surrounded by other people who arll want the same thing. In fact, its the reason we're all here - we don't DO average. For the first time in my life I may just have to settle with being average and be PROUD of that because being average has never been so hard to achieve.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Why I love what I do
Woke up feeling emo about revision, exams etc etc etc. I had stupidly set me alarm for 8:20 and actually thought I'd be ABLE to get up at that time. ha. woke up around 9ish and found Alice, Amelia and Marja. We sat in the hallway outside Alice's room and reminisced about all the fun times we'd had there....dying Marja's hair, watching as drunk Marja slumped on the stairs and claimed to be a caterpillar, the time we woke Amelia up (on her birthday) singing Happy Birthday while Alice played the saxophone (Amelia later said that she thought there'd be a car crash outside her window..), taking the picture before the rubix cube night on fresher's week...
We all felt sad that the year was ending in such a way. People were all just slowly heading home and trickling away.
Decided to take a walk to the Botanic Gardens to clear my head. I took my camera and began being all artsy with a row of lettuces. Some German guys behind me (with the most amazing camera) were watching and talking behind me. As I walked away, they began taking exactly the same shots! I kept on walking and just smiled to myself - I love life! I also went to the hot houses and overheard a Spanish family telling their young daughter about all the plants there...I LOVE the sound of Spanish ^_^. Afterwards, I went along the the charity shop for a browse adn later to Tesco's. Then went back to college and found Amelia. We walked over to the chapel and I offered to get her carnation (I picked the one she wanted - woot!). Later felt depressed and mum called so we chatted for AGES and she made me feel loads better. Then Alice came round (who was feeling just as depressed) and we moaned and then went to buy some cake at Sainsbury's. Had a relaxed revision session eatsing cake, listening to classical fm and watching the rain outside my window. The world felt good again.
In the evening we helped Amelia load stuff into her car and said goodbye. Anna Powell rang in the evening and I was SOOO pleased to hear from her. Seeing everyone go made me so depressed that it was nice to ehar from someone at home...I can't wait to go back. I just want these exams to be over.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Port Meadow Bonfire
Cycled with Alice to port meadow for a break from revision and also to calm my nerves. I'd been revising birds all day and it hadn't gone too bad. In fact, i was quite happy as I'd found an article on BBC news about a new fossil (hopefuly I'll be able to fit it into my exam for extra nerd points!). We cycled into the nature reserve as it turned to dusk and through the waist-high grass. I managed to get some good pictures of these silhouetted against the evening sky. We got slightly lost but managed to find ourselves back on the usual path. We then came across a Canadian guy playing a guitar by what looked like the beginnings of a bonfire. He was then joined by an American girl. Thr guy was called john and I don't remember the girl's name. We decidede to stay a while and help them get wood etc as Ben might also turn up. John told us that he has a girlfriend in Oxford and is living here to stay with her. The girl had just finished a term here and was from a Uni. in Washington. We helped her get more wood and burnt her essays to start the fire (it felt soooo good to crumple and burn work!). As it got darker more people joined and this was followed by the usual music and drinks. Alice and I then cycled back (smelling distinctly of woodsmoke) to Hertford feelign refreshed and ready to tackle to nedxt day's work.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Trashing the Physicists
Ok, so Talia thought it was "thrashing" but Alice, Talia and I got glitter to trash Sam and the other physicists as they came out of their exams in Summertown. We also brought along the spaghetti to "thrash" them with! I now know where my exams will be held and where I might live in Oxford next year -eep
Monday, June 15, 2009
blue sky and white clouds
Revision. Beautiful day. The sky was a clear bright blue in the morning with huge white clouds streaking the sky. In the afternoon the skies darkened and it pelted down with rain and hail. So much so that I had to ask Tom to close my window as the hail was coming into my room ad hitting me! Saw Oli W today to get my essays back from him. Tom's sister, Rebecca, is staying for a few days (he's so lucky to have finished exams...). Also went shopping for a while with Sarah.
In the evening Alice and I made a good luck card for Amelia and gave her one of the lanterns we'd nicked from Keble Ball.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Back to Oxford
Ok, so the day came when I had to finally go back to Oxford. Did some revision in the morning we all ate together outside in the garden. In the afternoon we all went to an Open Garden in Richmond as, not only was it a lovely day, but I knew that staying indoors would kill me. The house backed onto the river and had the most beautiful gardens filled with different types of fruit trees, delphiniums, lavender, roses and every type of bright English flower imaginable. The house belonged to a number of tenants so the garden was divided up among them. You could see this by the fact that each section had a different layout and style. Chesca and I wandered around and talked for ages about all these different deep ideas. I love talking to her as she understands me. Everytime I see her I realise just how even more amazing a person she has become since I last saw her!
In the evening mum and Chesca dropped me off at the Hillingdon bus station and waited with me to get the Oxford Tube. Of course, they waved goodbye and pulled faces so the other passengers got confused which made me laugh. It was nice to be back in Oxford although I would prefer to be home (esspecialy with the looming exams). However, I know that in order to go home I have to get this out the way and do well in it. I'm so glad I spent that weekend at home...
I now have some lavender from the garden back home which Chesca gave me before I left..I also took Bambi with me :)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
"There's no place like home" (cheesy but true)
Felt very straneg but comforting to be home and sleep in my own bed. Chesca was VERY surprised to see me yesterday - mum and I met at South Ealing tube station and we walked home together. Chesca was already back upstairs and mum called her down as she said that she'd brought a treat home. Of course Chesca was expecting something like some strawberrys from Sainsbury's and was extremely shocked to see me there sitting in the front room. We hugged and cried for ages.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The day I went home
Decided to go back to London for the weekend to get a break from the Oxford bubble. Wanted to surprise Chesca so didn’t tell her although mum and dad know. Did some plants revision in the morning which was wasn’t too bad ^_^
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Cycling break with Alice
8 hours of revision in the day. Went to the plant sciences department to do some plants revision. Was really noisy there as they had building works on. So, i asked the librarian at the desk if he knew of any other quieter places to work. He showed me to these reading rooms whose shelves were neatly stacked with journals and magazines on forestry. It was completely empty and I had the whole series of rooms to myself! The only problem, he said, were the protestors which sometime stand outside of the building and shout stuff at the new science building opposite (its been very controversial as they do lots of animal testing there...). Managed to do 4 hours of work before getting bored so I explored the library/reading rooms. It seems that they’ve been using them for storage as some of the rooms contained random cabinets stacked high with old Ryvita tins (from the 1930’s?) and inside these were tons of old letters, slides and photos (one annotated as being taken just outside Oxford in 1938). I then had a look at the various journals etc which were ordered alphabetically. Managed to find a whole section on Mexico and its forests dating from 1965-1975ish...had a quick read through and smiled at the 60s diagrams. Went back to college around 5ish and found Alice who had been working and was just as bored. We decided to cycle out OF Oxford towards Brookes. There’s a park just past the Cowley roundabout where we went for bonfire night. Getting there was really tough as it was up a really steep hill (my bike has no gears and I could hear it groaning under my weight...thought it would fall apart!). I wish I could say that the view at the top of the hill was worth the cycle but it really wasn’t. Of course I’m sure that it would be a lot nicer if the sun had been setting or also jus after the snow in February. It was a cloudy, rainyish day so the city spires didn’t look as impressive as they could have. Cycling down the hill, on the other hand, made going up it all the worthwhile...I followed Alice as we sped along the grass on our bikes and I misjudged when I was going to stop so nearly rode up a tree (literally!).
Went back to college to eat. Then did more work. Met up with Ben and G&Ds in Little Claringdon for some ice-cream and to relax. I like talking to him as he seems to think that I have a relaxed attitude to life. He’s also a very analytical person and tries to understand people. I like that :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The day I started to go a bit crazy..
Spent doing 8 hours of work in the library sitting next to Hamish the physiologist. He seems to work so hard! Went to the college communion for the first time at 6pm, which was followed by a meal in the old library. The service was almost identical to the ones at St. Peters so it was really nice to have something to ground me. I feel bad that I’m only closest to God during times of stress/sadness/need.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Invertebrates are so boring they make metabolism fun
Monday, June 8, 2009
Revision: How am I going to learn it all?!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Ah the joy of Zizzis
Revision. Cycled with Alice along Port Meadow and the canal. We went off the usual route and ended up in this little village with a hidden Church called Saint Margaret's. It was really small and had not electricity but felt calm and welcoming. We then wondered around the village (some of the locals looked over their fences to make sure we weren't causing havok *shock*). Then returned to Hertford for more revision and went in the evening to Zizzis. I've never been so happy to eat at Zizzi's in my life. For pudding we ALL had this chocolate cake filled with hot chocolate sauce - divine!!
It was a welcomed break from revision :)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Soft wool blanket
Woke up at around 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. Finally managed to and then woke up around 12ish just in time for Tom to come to my room and laugh about last night >_<
Tried to go to the library to do some more work but couldn't concentrate. Its been one of those cloudy drizzly days when you feel all lethargic and un-motivated. I managed to get through some short answer questions and then went for a walk around the shops in Oxford. As I walked past the Wagamas entrance to the Covered Market I saw a couple holding a cute sheep umbrella walk past on the other side of the street They were carefuky carrying a tiny new born baby wrapped in a cream-coloured woollen blanket and were protecting it from the rain with the umbrella. I only glanced at them but the image really struck me. The baby looked so warm and safe with its parents holding it making sure it didn't get wet.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Guest Dinner at New College
James Scargill invited me today for guest dinner at his college (New College) so I spent most of the day working in the library and then rushed to have a shower and get changed ready for the meal. Sadly the weather was pretty rainy so it felt strange wearing summery clothes and eating summery food although it was not at all hot. For starters we had fish and white wine. I listened as James' friend, Dan, told us about how he is a target for bird poo and had just returned from having a shower after he'd been pooed on while looking out of the window to see if it was raining. The main course was oddly lamb (but still really nice) for which James had brought some really nice red wine. The pudding was some sort of chocolate moose and this was followed by us finishing the wine and drinking some coffee. Afterwards, we went along with some other New College people (including Jess!) to Angels in Little Claringdon street. Although we were slightly late for happy hour, Jess managed to get the guy at the bar to still give us half priced drinks. We followed by playing dirnking games and then had drinks bought for us by someone's uncle (I got something with lime and berries which was REALLY good). By the time we started to walk back to college everyone was really tipsy as we'd been drinking for most of the evening non-stop. People went for food at Hassan's where I met Tom. I don't remember much about how we got back but I sat in his room for a while and we talked for ages..I think I called him a man whore and ate all his angel slices....At some point I went upstairs and tried brushing my teeth unsuccessfully before going to sleep.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Cycling round Oxford
The last day of lectures! Alice invited me and Sam to a green cycling treasure hunt around Oxford. We met up with people in Broad Street and had to follow some clues on a treasure map to find different places in Oxford. We cycled quickly around Ship street, past Christ Church (to the wrong Rose Lane) and the Magdalen before reaching Plantation Road and Port Meadow. At each of the stops there were some environmentaly-related things to do e.g. guess the amount of CO2 produced by airlines each year. We then joined the rest of the people at Cardigan street for some green (vegan) curry which was surprisingly nice (I'd be the worst vegetarian/ vegan in the world!). It was really fun to speed round Oxford on the bikes but I am very jealous of Sam's super huge moutain bike with AMAZING suspension...he could even cycle up stairs :O
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The day we tidied Tali's room
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Gah for revision and pineapple head
Woke up at 7:45am to do some work for an hour before lectures (I can't believe we're still having them!). I listened to Simon and Garfunkle for a while which made me feel really happy and 60s (also reminded me of The Graduate). So, I wore the dress I'd bought in republic before Orielton which was really cute and summery. After lectures I lazed around for a while and went to lunch. This was then followed by going with Amelia to Tesco's in the summer heat and the Age Concern to buy some buttons to add to the dress ^_^
Once back in Hertford I put the pineapple I had bought in Tesco's in Marja's fridge with my primarni sunglasses as revenge for her mean jokes. I hope it scared her:D
My tute was at 4:00 but I was slightly late and wore flip flops which was NOT a good idea as I fell up the stairs on the way there. Nick Brown was there are asked if I was ok..then joked that I may have had too much to drink. not funny. It was REALLY embarassing. However, the tute went ok although slightly fast. I think I may overcomplicate things...
Walked back in the sunshine to have some supper in Amelia's room and I have procrastinated ever since...maybe I should work in the library from now on.
Monday, June 1, 2009
JCR picnic in the Uni Parks
It was a beautiful day so the JCR Welfare team organised a picnic in the park complete with pimms, chocolate and rounders. We cycled there, ate loads of food (I had to go back for my memory card as I'd just brough my camera and some sun cream as it was so hot!) adn listened to Ben playing the guitar. It was so relaxing :)
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