Started the day off with the joys of packing DVDs into wallets outside in the sun in OB quad. It was starting to get really hot so moved into the shade once Nick arrived to give me a hand. We chatted for ages and he told me about a secret party event thingy called Pears Gav. Apparently you can only go if you get invited and the location is always secret (it’s also always just a huge rich-kid party filled with nakedness and drugs – joy!).
Later, there was a punting trip organised by Oli Coward along the Isis. We brought beer and walked up to the punt house in the heat. There were three punts booked so Chris Anderton, oli and another of the Open Day people punted while the rest of us relaxed. Christina and I sat in the sunshine drinking and it was soooo relaxing! We stopped outside the uni parks wile people went for a swim and the rest of us sat in the sunshine. As we punted further along we managed to hit a few trees and also get a whole family of ducks to follow as Alex was putting biscuit crumbs in the water for them. The punt next to us had some American guys inside who were punting close to the water’s edge. This way they would climb over any tree branches in the way and try to get back into the punt in time. However, they fell in a couple of times which we found hilarious! Further along I had a go at punting which was not as hard as it looks. The pole was REALLY heavy but steering the punt was WAY easier than coxing! Once past Magdalene bridge, Oli and Chris tried to race and we then put all three punts together to make a raft. As we passed the botanical gardens it started to POUR with rain. Christina, Alex and Que decided to go back but we kept on going as Chris and I were meeting Ben at Folley bridge. So, we kept on going in the rain and were drenched to the bone. Luckily it was that heavy type of summer rain which just leaves you soaking rather than slightly wet and sticky. Once at folley bridge we steered the punts into the grad centre and moored there. The other Anna and I climbed up onto the banks and we all started walking home.
In the evening I cycled down to Old Ab. Where Emma and Ben were cooking a good-bye meal for Ben who was leaving for Costa Rica the next day. The kitchen was boiling but once we were outside in the garden (and were drinking Emma’s home-made strawberry-lemonade drink) it was a lot more pleasant. I also met their friend Tope from South East London who REALLY reminded me of Seni (he even has the same accent). Suddenly I felt slightly home-sick : (
Cycled back in the dark back to the empty NB5 but slept really well (although my room was slightly hot and humid). I quite like having the building to myself as it means that I can have my door swung open and music playing as loud as I want. This photo was taken in OB quad of me and Chris A.- he constantly teases me but is so sweet!