Sunday, June 14, 2009

Back to Oxford

Ok, so the day came when I had to finally go back to Oxford. Did some revision in the morning we all ate together outside in the garden. In the afternoon we all went to an Open Garden in Richmond as, not only was it a lovely day, but I knew that staying indoors would kill me. The house backed onto the river and had the most beautiful gardens filled with different types of fruit trees, delphiniums, lavender, roses and every type of bright English flower imaginable. The house belonged to a number of tenants so the garden was divided up among them. You could see this by the fact that each section had a different layout and style. Chesca and I wandered around and talked for ages about all these different deep ideas. I love talking to her as she understands me. Everytime I see her I realise just how even more amazing a person she has become since I last saw her!
In the evening mum and Chesca dropped me off at the Hillingdon bus station and waited with me to get the Oxford Tube. Of course, they waved goodbye and pulled faces so the other passengers got confused which made me laugh. It was nice to be back in Oxford although I would prefer to be home (esspecialy with the looming exams). However, I know that in order to go home I have to get this out the way and do well in it. I'm so glad I spent that weekend at home...
I now have some lavender from the garden back home which Chesca gave me before I left..I also took Bambi with me :)