Last day at Gatsby. In the morning we did a brief ecology practical and measured different leaf temperatures depending on colour on varigated hostas and holly. This was done using a super-cool laser gun! I was in a group with Liz, Jeremy and Victoria (who was also in my tutor group and had decided on becoming my best friend). We wrote up the results but didn't get them printed off in time to present them to the other people on the course. So, we just waited in the library along with the Cambridge people (who'd done the same) and sneakily put back the laser-temperature-gun-thingies when no-one was looking. Lunch was followed by a really intersting lecture on GM crops and food securing in Sub-Saharan Africa. This was then proceeded by a group photo and closing words. I then went with Tasha and Liz to the gym where we did a 1 1/2 hour session on all the fancy state-of-the-art equipment (Liz also taught me how to use the urg machines ready for rowing next term - woot!). We then all went to get ready for the evening meal.
This was really beautiful with three courses, wine and tables decorated with flowers and sprinkled with glitter. Afterwards, people went to the bar for drinks and danced on the dance floor. Yes, it was your typical cheesy school disco DJ playing S-club 7 but it was brilliant! I made friends with Ian who was an AMAZING dancer and taught me all the moves to 5,6,7,8 by Steps - epic!
Finally we had loads of slightly-drunken group hugs and promises to add people on facebook. It was a great end to a really enjoyable week.