Watched episode upon episode of Desperate Housewives on E4 and was inspired to wear my 50's- esque yellow dress from H&M. Today I went with mum and dad to the annual Jazz and Strawberries tea and the vicarage. This is by far my favourite event in the Church Calendar.
Tea and cakes? Just my style.
Saw Anna P and Helen P so I ran to hug her - I haven't seen Poweel in ages so it was great to finally do so! Trying hard not to sink into the lawn in my heels, Poweel and I went upstairs to her room where we tried to fix my bra strap that had broken due to my over-enthusiastic hug (not as dodgy as it sounds!). We then met one of her brother's friends (who said that he liked my dress) and went downstairs to get some straberries and ice-cream. We sat in our usual spot next to the mullberry tree and caught up with everything that had happened. I love talking to Anna because it always feels asif we are reading from the same page. Sitting there reminded me of all the other times we had done so, each year, talking about boys, GCSE's, AS levels, A-levels, Uni...It felt strange but satisfying to be there both of us knowing about uni and a little clearer about the future.
Later on James P and his girlfriend Ele arrived so we sat with Ele and ate more cake (yum..). After everyone had left we sat in the kitchen and then the dinning room eating the leftover cupcakes. We then mucked about with my camera and took loads of pictures which I'm hoping to upload to Facebook as a movie as soon as I know how..