Friday, January 29, 2010
Pikachu Girl
Today was the big day of my pre-birthday party. The theme was "something memorable from your childhood" which, OK, is pretty broad but that's what I wanted. I hoped for people to be able to dress up in something that they remembered from when they were kids - favourite colour/animal/cartoon character/aspiration... Amelia had a brilliant The Hungry Caterpillar costume complete with 6 legs made from socks, Marja was Cruella DeVille, Alice a sailor (Mar and Amelia bought her the hat), Emily was Jess from Postman pat, Manasi Pocahontas, Talia a cat and I finally finished my Pikachu costume. Yes, I said Pikachu costume; complete with tail, ears and red cheeks! We started off in Summertown and proceeded to Hertford bar where we met other people including Jess (NYE 2010) and James S. from New College. The original plan had been to go out clubbing in Kukui but they were rubbish and didn't allow fancy dress so we went to Escape instead. I am SO wearing that costume again because, although I lost my ears by the end of the night, it was certainly a great success! The night was very, er, me and so enjoyable - a fun and relaxed way to reach my 20th.