It's still freezing and everything remains covered in snow but today was especialy clear and sunny. I went out around lunchtime in dad's boots (a couple of sizes too big so I wore two layers of socks, which didn't do much apart from keep my feet a degree or so warmer) to take pictures of Llamas park. The field was so bright as the sun reflected off the snow. It resembled a white meteorite field with the remenants of snowmen and snowballs strewn across the landscape followed by their dark green paths were the grass was visible.
I gradually made my way up to Ealing Common, taking cautious steps on the thick ice that coated the pavement. In all reality I had hoped to find a breathtaking scene but was only met by another post-snowball fight battlefield (no doubt from yesterday). The greater part of the common was pretty stunning though and I managed to get a few good shots of early winter blossom.